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. "Soiree Ex Tempore" on 27 January 2006 at home in the salon that used to be the salle de paroisse of the reformed parish of Crets, where cathechism would be taught to the faithful. This room full of good spirits is now used for poetry.

Alexis Koutchoumow, former President of PEN International Centre Suisse romand and Sec.Gen. of the Union Internationale des Editeurs at the soiree Ex Tempore of 27 January 2006
Susan Tiberghien, member of PEN Centre Suisse romand and Coordinator of the Geneva Writers Group reading peace poetry and essays from volume VIII of the new number of the anthology Offshoots. Cruz Melchor Eya Nchama, President du Conseil Municipal de Grand Saconnex, recites a poem on Geneva and the happy commune of Grand Saconnex
Alex Caire (pen name of Ahmed Hamouda), staff member of the Union Postale Internationale in Berne recites his poems in Arabic and French, accompanied by 1001 nights exquisite music Karin Kaminker of UNOG recites a poem on Mozart and the joys of forgetting diets and slowly biting into Mozart Kugeln -- quite appropriately on 27 January 2006, 250th anniversary of Mozart's birth
Bohdan Nahajlo of UNHCR is a solid professional, political analyst, expert on issues of forced displacement. Beyond all that he is a poet and historian, currently working on a book on the passage of the Berezina Hoang Nguyen declaiming poetry in vietnamese, which he subsequently recited in French translation. Hoang is a member of PEN Centre Suisse romande and has made CDs of vietnamese poetry and music

"Dreamworks" a new comedy by Aline Dedeyan, former UNOG staff member, was given its premiere at the 27 January 2006 Ex tempore evening

"Dreamworks" will be published in the forthcoming number XVI of "Ex Tempore", the literary journal of the United Nations in Geneva

Aline Dedeyan (Smart) and Louise Lombard (Daisy) recalling old infatuations and philosophizing on Aline triumphant in her role as "Smart"
the two old friends recount their stories of loves and chagrins

.Singing Edith Piaf's "Rien, je ne regrette rien"

The delightful play was followed by well deserved and long ovations

Rainer Maria Rilke's "Leda" is one of the classical love poems of all times -- I read it in the original German followed by my English and Spanish translations. Shared the good spirit with Louise Lombard and Aline Dedeyan Cruz Melchor Eya Nchama, President of the Conseil Municipal of Grand Saconnex and Alexis Koutchoumow at the soiree litteraire
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