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Can you tell me who is good and who is bad ?
The ancient "we and they" divides us artificially.
Yet for the children of New York and Baghdad,
only one equation counts: their shared humanity.

Woe upon the men who have unleashed a war
through brazen lies, in breach of every law !
Alas, the many nations that such crimes abhor
have failed to stop the programmed "Shock and Awe".

But silence now would make us guilty too.
Protest we must: Condemn colonial wars !
Who are the victims, who the victimizers? Who ?
Ourselves, our leaders! To the White House: Mirrors !

Blest are the peacemakers, children of our God.* Deplore
the wielders of the sword: they must one day account.
Our Chief is seen in church, but does he grasp the core ?
It is the Sermon on the Mount.

* Matthew V, 9

an earlier, ante-bellum version of this poem appeared in the anthology Poets Against the War, edited by Sam Hamill, published by Nation Books, New York, 2003, pp. 57-58


Nocturnal darkness overcomes receding Earth,
enveloping the silent hemisphere in black.
The velvet air of night a perfumed mist brings back,
while starry skies glow softly on renewing birth.

The warming sun has sunk beneath the West at sea …
But what if break of day repeat itself no more ?
What if that pristine fount of light ne'er reach the shore
of day to brighten our universality?

What if that vast black blanket change into a pall,
a still and suffocating garment, drowning out
forever and anon the world's exultant shout
of joy for its mere drawing breath at all ?

In global warming and pollution we eclipse,
in lies and wars to nuclear apocalypse.

published in Esoteric Magazine, University of British Columbia 2005, p. 28


No need for gladiators, chariot races,
for we watch much better shows:
“Afghanistan in flames”
or how to stomp the Taliban,
then follows “Bombs over Baghdad”.

For CNN and Fox can always entertain us :
‘twas the Showdown with bin Laden
‘twas the Showdown with Saddam,
with our smart bombs and explosions
compliments of Uncle Sam. 

Now, who should care about the damage,
whether willed or just collateral,
when our science is aesthetic
and we test such clever weapons ?
Let's be patriotic, not pathetic --
Pathos is for adolescents.

War should always be primetime,
with few or no commercials.
Yes, we love our panem et circenses :
it's the modern “lions versus Muslims” show ! **

* Bread and circus games (Juvenal, Satires, X, 81)

** Christianos ad leones ! Tertullius, Apologeticum 40, 2
then the Christians as the scapegoats, now the Muslims

published in Esoteric Magazine, University of British Columbia, 2004, p. 21


For two hundred million years
they roamed the planet,
the great and lesser dinosaurs.
One day they disappeared.
Deservedly or not.

For scarcely a million years
hominids have been pretending
to be rulers of the earth

Alas, our love of war
and habits of pollution
soon may hasten our demise.
Deservedly, perhaps.

published in Esoteric Magazine, University of British Columbia, 2005, p. 28.

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