Ex Tempore
pen club
Zayas coat of arms
Coat of arms of the Zayas family (stainedglass window at home)
Liberae sunt nostrae cogitationes (Cicero) English Spanish French German
Home / Publications (Interviews/Letters to the Editor - Lectures - Law & History - Books - Articles & chapters in books - Poetry - Rilke - Short stories- Aphorisms)  
I started
counting on
on 16.VI.2004





Interviews/Letters to Editors

Coram publico
Homo proponit sed Deus disponit
Click on icon for my interviews
(here a televised statement to
ZDF in Mainz, on the
, Germany, 1988)

Lectures and speeches
nemo me impune lacessit

Dum spiro spero
Click on icon (Alfred in Vancouver, Canada, November, 2003) for my lectures & speeches.

Law and history

memento mori

Fiat justitia ne pereat mundus
Click on icon for documents (on photo with the first UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Dr. Jose Ayala Lasso, at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin on 5 August 2005)

Bookreviews, Rezensionen Books and editorships

quod scripsi, scripsihabent sua fata libelli Click on icon for my books in English and German and reviewes in scholarly journals and leading press organs


Articles and chapters in books pax tecum

Ad rem
Click on icon for my articles, monographies and chapters in books (leaving my office for a lecture at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada)

im Abendrot

Ama et fac quod vis!
Click on icon for my poetry (Eichendorff memorial in the park of the Heidelberg Castle) for my poetry in English, German, French and Spanish.

poeta laureatus

Omnia vincit amor
Click on icon for Rilke poetry and my translations (here young Rilke at the time of writing his second cycle of poems, the Larenopfer. For the complete translations of the 90 poems and commentary in book form, go to www.redhen.org).

Essays and short stories
in vino veritas

Gaudeamus igitur
Click on icon for my essays and short stories (here celebrating on the Mont Salève, overlooking Geneva and the Jet d'eau)

ergo bibamus

Homo ludens
Click on icon for my aphorisms (before the jet d'eau on the shore of Lake Geneva, 1988)


Copyright ©2004-2013 Alfred de Zayas. All contents are copyrighted and may not be used without the author's permission. This page was created by Nick Ionascu.